How to Prevent Gynecological Disorders

Many women feel embarrassed when talking about gynecological issues, but poor reproductive health affects not only fertility, but it can also trigger a number of other dangerous conditions. For example, these diseases can cause pain, interfere with sexual relationships, and increase a risk of developing such serious disorders as cancer. The good news is that you can effectively prevent gynecological diseases if you follow helpful guidelines.

Different Gynecological Disorders

They can be categorized as:

  • Sexually transmitted diseases or infections are passed through any type of sex (the most common ones include gonorrhea, chlamydia, hepatitis, syphilis, and genital warts);
  • Fungal infections (vaginal candidiasis, yeast infections, and vaginitis);
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease (inflammation in the female reproductive tract);
  • Menstrual problems (period irregularities or changes).
Gynecological Disorders

Effective Preventative Measures

The most important thing that should be done for gynecological health is to know and respect the body. All women should have a respectful and positive feeling about the reproductive system and sexual organs. Pay attention to these helpful steps to prevent gynecological disorders:

  • Getting annual gynecological checkups and regular PAP tests to detect abnormal cells and conditions and lower the risk of cancer;
  • Practicing safe sex is essential because there are many sexually transmitted diseases identified, and they can lead to serious health conditions (for example, gonorrhea can cause infertility, ectopic pregnancy, and Regular pelvic inflammatory disease);
  • Eating healthy and nutritional food products and drinking enough water to maintain healthy body weight (menstruations are dependent on weight, and that’s why women who are too heavy or too thin often start experiencing such health problems as having irregular flow and losing periods at all);
  • Doing Kegel exercises to keep the pelvic floor strong (the weak one leads to such issues as sexual problems and bladder complications, including the loss of urine when sneezing or coughing);
  • Planning pregnancy to avoid possible health risks and ease the stress of delivery.

Published by Evelyn Green