How Gynecological Disorders Are Diagnosed: Key Methods

According to the research, the number of gynecological disorders is rapidly growing nowadays. However, the modern medicine is developing fast, so that there are many innovative and up-to-date methods to diagnose the problem and treat it. The most important factor that depends on the woman is addressing the doctor and getting timely assistance. Depending on the symptoms and their severity, a healthcare specialist can recommend various types of diagnostics. It is vital to inform the medical professional about accompanying and underlying health disorders, as well as administered medications, in order to obtain accurate results of tests.

Gynecological Disorders

Types of Diagnostic Procedures to Specify Female Gynecological Disorder

Frequently, when patients do not have any symptoms, but want to make sure no gynecological disorders are there, doctors recommend screening tests. They help find all the issues and problems. However, if a woman has any symptoms associated with the reproductive system, diagnostic procedures may be required to identify the disorder, which triggers dangerous health problems.

Due to the rapid development of medical sphere, there are various types of diagnostics that provide the most accurate data and guarantee true results. Most commonly, doctors advise the following methods to find out the problem:

  • Biopsy that presupposes removing a small part of tissue from the body for further testing and examination. It can be of several types, including cervical, breast, uterine, endometrial and others;
  • Colposcopy is prescribed in case the cervix has an abnormal look, or a patient has genital warts;
  • Hysterosalpingography is an X-ray procedure when dye is injected into the uterus. Its purpose is to outline the abnormalities of the uterine wall;
  • Vaginal culture presupposes collecting cervical mucus to define the cause of the infection;
  • Mammogram is a low-dose X-ray that gives a full picture of the internal breast structure. As a result, the doctor can detect cysts and tumors;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging is aimed at identification of uterine fibroids.

Besides, depending on the bothering condition, the doctor can recommend other diagnostic procedures, such as endocervical curettage, toluidine blue dye test, pelvic ultrasound, fluid-contrast ultrasound, dilation and curettage, hysteroscopy and others.

Published by Evelyn Green