What Is Vaginal Eczema and How Can It Be Treated?

Considering eczema as a medical condition, we think about a deep red rash on lips, face, lips, etc. However, then you start feeling unpredictable and unpleasant pain and itchiness in the vagina. Isn’t it possible? Such condition as vaginal eczema should not be surprising, as both the vagina and vulva are covered with skin, which makes them potential eczema sites.

If you are diagnosed with vaginal eczema , you should start the treatment right away, since the condition is one of the most complicated eczema forms. Due to its location, the disorder is problematic to cure. Besides, genital organs are always damp and moist, which make eczema controlling rather difficult, if not impossible. Anyway, if you start feeling itchy cooch with swelling, soreness, or burning, these are the definite signs of vaginal eczema development.

What is vaginal eczema?

Common Symptoms and Causes of the Disorder

Genital eczema and its symptoms are similar to the usual eczema signs, excluding scaling, as the skin of the vulva and the vagina is soft and supple. However, you can experience a range of other symptoms, especially:

  • Thick wrinkling skin;
  • Allergies to remedies;
  • Burning or stinging sensation within the vulva;
  • Painful red bumps;
  • Ultimate itchiness and others.

While the symptoms of the disorder are mainly known and vivid, the causes of the gynecological disorder are not completely learned. On average, eczema is triggered by skin irritants. Stress is the main reason for traditional eczema appearance, but the genital condition can be launched by other impairments:

  • Immune reaction;
  • Excess vaginal discharge;
  • Sprays and deodorants;
  • Chemicals in the bathing soaps, lotions, and other detergents;
  • Irritations caused by panty liners and sanitary towels.

Once you are diagnosed with Vaginal Dermatitis , you need to start treatment at once. This eczema form is treated as others, so you can apply special creams or other medications, prescribed by the doctor. Keep in mind that the skin of the vulva and the vagina is extremely soft, so you should apply a thin layer of the remedy to avoid further complications. Besides, use tampons instead of pads, do not douche, wear 100% natural panties and take care of your female health.

Published by Evelyn Green