Anti-Aging Tips for Life After Menopause

Climacteric period is marked by a significant lowering of the levels of estrogens, which are the major female sex hormones. The importance of estrogens for a good skin condition cannot be compared with any other human hormone.

Under their influence, the hyaluronic acid and collagen are produced. These are responsible for a proper skin hydration, its thickness, and elasticity. When the hormonal background of the menopausal and postmenopausal females changes, the secretion of these important constituents goes down. As a result, the skin condition gets significantly worse and the process of aging itself is much faster if compared to the women who haven’t gone through the menopause yet.

Nevertheless, taking good care of your skin, you may look young and beautiful long years after crossing the period of menopause.


What can be done to preserve your skin in a good condition?

First of all, if you want to look great after the age of 50, you have to start working at it at the age of 25. Healthy foods and regular workouts can help you maintain good health condition and prevent the appearance of underlying health issues. The latter, by the way, can significantly worsen your appearance and leave a sign on your skin.

Besides, it is crucial to start using cremes with hyaluronic acid and collagen in early 30 to make your skin look great even in the menopause.

Here are some more tips on how not to stay young during the menopause:

  • Use cremes with retinoids to boost the production of collagen in the skin and prevent the formation of deep wrinkles;
  • Eat foods rich in vitamin C (e.g. parsley, kale, kiwi, lemons) to make the skin tone better. You may also take vitamin C supplements.
  • Limit the time of staying in the sun. A durable exposure to the direct sunlight may exacerbate the skin dryness and worsen its color.
  • Hormonal therapy is also efficient for holding the process of aging in the women in menopause.

Other ways to delay aging

Getting older in menopause is not only poor skin condition, wrinkles, and pigmentation. Postmenopausal women may also suffer from bone fragility because of poor absorption of calcium and decreased ability of the skin to produce vitamin D.

To increase bone density, women reaching these stages of their life have to start taking vitamin D and calcium supplements. Besides, they have to pay attention to a healthy, diverse and balanced nutrition.

Published by Evelyn Green