Supporting a Partner in Times of Illness
When hearing a terminal diagnosis or during another dangerous condition, the first thing you are looking for is a helping hand. It is important to have someone, who will share your grief, the one, who will support and encourage you. Most commonly, people who have relations rely on their partners or beloved ones. When you learn about your beloved being diagnosed with a fatal or difficult condition, your life can change drastically in a matter of minutes. However, life goes on and you need to become spiritually strong, reliable and encouraging. Irrespective of the condition your partner has got, either it is a life-threatening heart impairment, breast or bladder cancer, kidney disorder or any other complication, your behavior should remain the same.

Here are several recommendations and tips from people, who have overcome such situations and know them firsthand:
- Keep living a normal life. The first thing that irritates and annoys people, who have learnt about their condition, is a special status they have. But, in the vast majority of instances, patients prefer to live as normally as possible;
- Ask questions and listen to answers. Another great concern in such situations is the fact that many people just get closed in themselves having no desire to communicate with others or share their ideas and wishes. As a partner, you need to find the right approach, asking for preferences, desires and dreams and understanding them, trying to implement them in life;
- Laugh together. Fun, relax and entertainment is exactly what patients need during the therapy times. When your partner is tired and weary from all the treatment courses and medical procedures, make his/her life as bright as possible. Make the childhood dreams come true. Create a friendly atmosphere, so the person can feel at home;
- Be realistic. Do not cherish false hopes, but learn how to tell real situations correctly. Choose the necessary words, which will not hurt, but heal;
- Stay close. Let the person always feel your presence and support. Even time spent in silence together can help deal with certain psychological or emotional challenges. Show your love and appreciation when it is needed.