Sausage and Bacon May Trigger Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is defined as a cancer type that appears in the breast cells. It is one of the most common cancers diagnosed in women around the USA and many other countries. According to the statistics, the condition is more specific for women, but it can occur in men, too. Substantial breast cancer awareness is the best way to prevent the condition or, at least, timely diagnose it.
Risk Factors for Breast Cancer Development
Breast cancer is an ultimately spread condition that can be triggered by many factors, including underlying physical diseases, heredity and, of course, lifestyle and environmental issues. It is important to specify that your lifestyle and a diet contribute to your health greatly. These are the most common routine risk factors for breast cancer development:
- Obesity;
- Unhealthy diet;
- No physical activity;
- Alcohol consumption;
- Chest radiation and others.
Foods that Trigger Breast Cancer
While you cannot prevent hereditary processes or physical abnormalities, you can easily balance your diet, cutting out the consumption of foods that can lead to symptoms of breast cancer.
According to the recommendations of the American Cancer Society, eating more fruits, vegetables and whole grains, fewer sweets and less processed meat is the secret of successful breast cancer prevention. Additionally, these eating habits will reduce the risk of diabetes, stroke, heart disorders and several other cancer types. Therefore, you need to pay due attention to the foods you eat, especially:
- Dairy products. The results of numerous studies have shown that drinking cow milk with hormones can advance the risk of breast cancer;
- Fat. Countries that have low-fat diets have a lower rate of breast cancer. Besides, the World Health Organization mentioned that bacon, sausage and other cured, fermented or salted meats increase the risk of cancer development;
- Soy;
- Sugar;
- Vitamin supplements, as well as other foods and products, should be consumed responsibly.