5 Ways to Enhance your Sexuality

Bringing new colors to your sexual life can give a breath of fresh air to your relations with a partner, improve your self-esteem, and help you feel emotionally and physically better. So, what should you do to boost your sexuality? Let’s find it out together.

Make exercising your good habit

Physical exercises, especially the aerobic ones are good friends of any person experiencing troubles with sexuality. First of all, they are great for the heart and vascular system so if your sexual issues are caused by the poor supply of blood to the sex organs , you are sure to manage it. Secondly, by doing physical exercises you keep to a healthy weight and thus your body gets in tonus. And who doesn’t like to look and, what’s more important, feel beautiful and sexy for his partner and himself?

boost your sexuality

Do Kegel exercises

The muscles of the pelvic floor are the ones responsible for orgasms and pleasure during sex. The stronger they are, the brighter your orgasms are. Pelvic floor muscles training can also increase the duration of orgasmic sensations and make it easier to reach the peak that can be intensified with the use of Female Viagra.

Eat healthily

Fruits, vegetables, lean meat, and fatty sorts of sea fish are useful for your cardiovascular system. Some of these foods are also great as libido boosters. Here belong watermelons, avocados, onion and garlic, berries, nuts, and seeds.

Different foods improve sexual desire in a different way. Some of them enhance the blood supply to the pelvic area. Others increase the level of testosterone, which is the hormone responsible for sex drive in both sexes.

Talk with your partner

Close and trusting relations with a partner are the key to diverse and bright, and active sexual life. Tell your partner what you like and what you don’t like in sex. Discuss what is acceptable and what is not in your intimate relations.

Don’t concentrate on orgasms

It’s obvious that an orgasm is “a cherry on a cake” for people making love. Yet if your only aim is to reach the peak, it may be very difficult for you to feel the whole spectrum of positive feelings and emotions you can get from sexual intercourse. So, you’d better no concentrate on “finish” but get pleasure during the whole “distance”.

Published by Evelyn Green