Female Libido - How To Increase Libido In Women
Female libido booster - Lady Era
For women who suffer from the loss of their libido, it’s important to understand that it’s quite a complex phenomenon that comes with certain physical, psychological, hormonal, relational and other dimensions. This medical condition, which is called hypoactive sexual desire disorder, characterized by reducing a desire in sexual activities and lack of interest, can be unique to any woman who experiences it. For example, if you notice that specific sexual or sensual feelings come less frequently or your energy for sex is reduced considerably and disappears at all, you need to visit a doctor to be properly diagnosed and receive an effective treatment in form of a pharmacologically formulatedfemale libido booster.
The good news is that women have a great opportunity with female libido booster pills nowadays. That’s because they have Lady Era, or female Viagra, the best female libido booster that contains sildenafil citrate as its active ingredient. The best part is that this medication is quite effective in terms of stimulating sexual arousal, even after removal of the uterus or in menopause. Unlike any natural female libido booster, this is an actual drug with reliable and measurable effects. This means that all women have their chance to lead a normal sexual life, despite their health problems.

How to treat low female libido
Lady Era affects women’s bodies in quite a complex way. Basically, it not only increases their natural sexual arousal, but the intake of this medicine also stimulates their emergence of desires for sexual intimacy. Their increased blood flow into genitals and pelvic organs has a positive impact on women’s erogenous zones, thus, making their feelings during sex very strong and bright, generating positive buzz in female libido booster reviews.
When taking this medication, it’s possible to reach orgasms during each sexual intercourse. Another great thing is that its intake improves the amount of vaginal lubricant produced by the body, so that many women who suffer from dryness of vagina decide to use it too. Don’t forget that their pleasure of intimacy and natural sexual arousal is boosted after the intake of Lady Era because of the increased blood flow into female genitals. That’s why you should give it a try if you experience the loss of your libido, and you won’t regret it.
Positive effects of Lady Era
Lady Era acts like the most natural libido booster female
patients would ever want. It acts by mimicking the natural
arousal mechanism through stimulation of the blood flow in
the genitals. There are many positive effects that can be
experienced by women while taking this popular medication
that female libido booster supplements cannot compete with,
and the most important ones are listed below:
- Their increased libido and sexual desire.
- Improved sensuality.
- Decreased time needed to get proper sexual arousal.
- Boosted blood flow into pelvic organs.
- Increased production of vaginal lubricant.
- Prolonged orgasms thanks to female libido booster natural nerve stimulation.
- Removed frigidity.
- Strengthened feelings of touching and fondling during sexual intercourses.
- Improved libido even in older female patients.
- Increased lovemaking stamina.
Relation between female libido and age
Considering the question of women’s increase libido and age, it is important to mention that it is a naturally occurring process. Female sexual desires fluctuate with years. Major life changes also contribute to sexual abilities and desires. Thus, pregnancy, illness, menopause and other changes can significantly decrease the desire of a woman to have sex. Certain medications, such as anti-seizure drugs and antidepressants can also aggravate the condition. The condition features numerous symptoms with the most obvious being:
- No sexual thought or fantasies;
- No interest in any sexual activity or its types;
- No sexual desire.
Possible causes of decreased female libido
The condition starts bothering with age, but frequently it is just caused by various factors. Since elderly women are more likely to experience underlying health conditions, they are in a risk group of low libido. Usually, the main cause of sexual dysfunction in older women is explained by a significantly decreased estrogen level that calls for the use of libido booster female patients can find effective. Problems with arousal, decreased sex desire, painful intercourses, inability to achieve orgasms and other disorders accompany the main condition. Thus, aging and functional decline that follows can diminish sexual function, preventing older women from satisfying sex. Despite you can use a female sexual enhancer, it’s better to investigate on the source of the issue and get instant solution.
Considering all the possible reasons of condition worsening, it is possible to single out numerous categories of low libido in aged females:
- Social impacts. Stress, media images of sexuality, problems at work and similar factors may negatively affect the libido;
- Relationship disorders, emotional impairments, birth of a child, etc. may also influence female desire to have sex;
- Decreased testosterone level. With age testosterone level is reducing that significantly affects all the sexual functions of both men and women. Thus, till 50s, the testosterone level is quite low that results in lack of any sexual desires;
- Medical conditions, such as decreased androgen level, cardiovascular problems, low urinary tract symptoms, diabetes and related health disorders.
How to enjoy impressive sex desire irrespective of age
To conclude all the above, you will notice direct relation between the aging process and libido in women. However, the issue is treatable. Cardinal life changes, elimination of everyday stress and depression and medication intake will work wonders in your sexual life. Women’s supplement for libido will help you increase your overall sexuality, boost your desire and speed arousal. Additionally, you will experience satisfactory orgasms, irrespective of your age and health condition.