Female Viagra To Prevent Repetitive Abortions
Sildenafil, the active substance in Female Viagra, has shown promising results in assisting female fertility in women with insufficient thickness of the endometrium. The studies carried out by the scientists of the Sher Institute for Reproductive Medicine, Las Vegas under the coordination of Prof. Geoffry Sher demonstrated that female sildenafil used in patients with multiple abortions can promote the endometrial growth required for the nesting following fertilization.
What does this news mean in practice? It is a huge step in the direction of fighting the problem of auto-abortions in women with fertility problems using sildenafil, which is a safe and widely used medication with well-studied, mild and controllable side effects.
The mechanism by which sildenafil can help women with
fertility problems is its characteristics of a vasoactive
drug. Female Viagra used in women with thin uterus lining by
improving the blood flow and promoting a healthy endometrial
growth required for a successful nesting of the fetus.
Why does a failed embryo implant occur? This question is still an enigma, because it does not lead to the total knowledge of the processes that affect a correct embryonic system. It must be considered that the causes do not come only from one patient (the mother), but from three patients: her, him and the embryo.
Yes, we know that some causes are maternal, but most are embryonic and doctors are not always able to diagnose them and deepen them successfully, thus increasing the degree of uncertainty and anxiety in the patient. Nevertheless, great progress has been made in this field in recent years. Hysteroscopy and endometrial biopsy should be made to evaluate the state of uterus lining. Functional study of the endometrium and CD 138 antibody marker for specific study of chronic endometritis are also recommended. If the patient shows the signs of hypertrophy of the uterus endometrial lining, the chances are that sildenafil therapy will increase her chances to become a mother, like it happened to the three patients of the Sher Institute for Reproductive Medicine who by now have delivered children without any health pathologies following the treatment course with sildenafil.
An adequate study for non-implantation requires a multidisciplinary assessment; for this reason in a group specialized in these pathologies formed by specialist gynecologists in reproduction, endocrinoologists, molecular biologists, geneticists and embryologists, as well as a specialized unit in reproductive immunology, have been studying the possible benefits of Female Viagra in women with repetitive abortions caused by endometrial hypertrophy.
If approved for the use in infertile women, sildenafil will facilitate the stage of nesting and dismiss the need for IVF altogether. The moment in which the fertilized egg from the sperm is implanted in the woman’s uterus, after having covered the fallopian tubes, is called nesting or implantation. It is an important and delicate moment since the blastocyst “clings” to the uterine mucosa starting to draw nourishment from the body of the future mother.
The nesting occurs in a specific period of the woman’s cycle after ovulation. The plant is the starting point for increasing the Beta HCG in the blood, a litmus test for the fertilized egg and, therefore, for the beginning of pregnancy.
The results of the research are still preliminary, but if sildenafil therapy proves to be as effective as is promised by the initial results, it will revolutionize the world of female fertility in no lesser way than it did change the lives of millions of men affected by ED. Although Female Viagra over the counter is approved in many countries, its off-label use should not be attempted by patients without medical supervision.