Femalegra: Sildenafil for Women Explained

Femalegra (sildenafil) is an oral drug used in women with sexual disorders of different nature. The drug is applied as needed, before sexual activity, and is proven to be effective in increasing sexual desire and pleasure derived from intimacy. This benefit is achieved thanks to the following effects linked to the use of sildenafil:Femalegra

  • increased supply in blood circulating in the genitals
  • increased output in Bortholin’s glands secretion
  • optimal vaginal lubrication
  • decreased anxiety and stress associated with sexual activity
  • ease of achieving orgasm
  • general increase in satisfaction associated with intimacy

Sildenafil and Female Sexuality

The problem of female sexuality has been neglected throughout the history of medicine and pharmacology, and it is still surrounded by false beliefs that are deeply rooted in the society’s perception. However, the implication of first drugs that are designed to increase female desire and satisfaction is a huge leap towards understanding and managing conditions that prevent women from having a full and enjoyable sexual life.

Sildenafil affects a woman’s predisposition to engage sexually on the physical level. Being a stimulator of increased blood flow, sildenafil expands the walls of blood vessels in the areas of phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) concentration, which happens to be the clitoris. As a result, the clitoris engorges and fills with blood, which acts as a mechanical stimulation of the genitals. This mechanism promotes sexual desire and makes it easier for the woman taking Femalegra to achieve orgasm with minimal stimulation on the side of her partner.

Sildenafil was clinically proven to positively affect the level of sexual arousal in females and increase the response towards sexual stimulation as compared to unmedicated state in a cluster of women during the course of a study undertaken in 2001.

Instructions and Safety Recommendations

Femalegra is indicated for the use in women with FSAD (female sexual arousal disorder), HSDD (hypoactive sexual desire disorder) and other conditions associated with low level of satisfaction in the sexual sphere. Although today one can purchase Female Viagra over the counter, a consultation with a pharmacist or a doctor is recommended prior to starting the therapy.

The drug can be taken by women of any age category, given that they have reached the age of 18. A tablet of Femalegra should be taken 40-60 minutes prior to planned sexual interaction. Femalgra pill should be swallowed whole, without breaking, chewing or crushing it in the mouth cavity.

In order to avoid increased toxicity of the drug, Femalegra should not be taken alongside with grapefruit, pomelo or juices made of these fruits.

The effects of sildenafil contained in Femalegra are experienced more intensely if the drug is taken on an empty stomach or after a light meal. The drug has an accumulative effect, hence its increased health benefits following a continuous use.

Do not take more than 1 tablet of Femalegra during the period of 24 hours. Seek medical help if you develop severe side effects or if the adverse events manifested following the use of Femalegra become persistent or intensified.

Contraindications, Warnings and Precautions

Femalegra is a prescription drug that needs to be taken after consulting a doctor and with their approval. Since sildenafil side effects in females exerts cardiovascular activity, it is important to rule out a number of contraindications that could make the use of Femalegra potentially unsafe.

Femalegra should not be taken in the presence of the following conditions:Sildenafil for Women

  • pregnancy / breastfeeding
  • stroke, heart disease and other cardiovascular problems
  • gastric diseases
  • blood pressure diseases
  • blood vessel diseases
  • degenerative eye diseases
  • liver or kidney insufficiency

How Sildenafil Can Help Women with Fertility Problems

Sildenafil can affect a woman’s chances to conceive a child in an indirect way. Given that consistency in attempts to conceive should be pursued in order for it to be resultful, a woman should be encouraged to engage in sexual activity on a regular basis. Such symptoms of sexual arousal disorders as vaginal dryness, pain and discomfort during penetration or the absence of sexual desire can interfere with a couple’s attempts at achieving pregnancy. Femalegra addresses all of the above issues, thus increasing the chances of fertilization.

Restrictions for Female Viagra Use

Female Viagra should not be taken by women with known sensitivity towards sildenafil or other components in the drug. Check with your GP for eventual contraindications before taking the drug. In case of severe side effects (increased heart rate, impaired breathing, pain in the chest, edema, loss of vision) seek medical help instantaneously.