Lady Viagra: Does It Work
Sexual dysfunctions are extremely spread in the modern world. Stress, busy daily routine, anxiety, relationship disorders and other problems frequently decrease sexual desire in women and erectile function in men. Following the statistics, over 40% of the female population suffers from low libido and decreased sexual desire at some point in life. The reason of sexual dysfunctions in women can be various, starting with psychological and emotional up to physical. Stress, anxiety, relationship problems, poor self-esteem and similar emotions can reduce the desire to have sex. The main symptom of sexual dysfunction is an inability to gain orgasm and satisfaction during the intercourse. Negative consequences for both partners are the results of such a condition.
Due to the rapid and intensive development of the pharmaceutical market, people can get effective treatment of the rarest and unique conditions. The female equivalent of Viagra is exactly what can help you overcome devastating sex disorder symptoms and experience a healthy intercourse again. The medication features a powerful influence on the organism, similar to traditional Viagra. Containing the same active ingredient, the drug interferes with the body processes and organs in a similar way. However, the achieved effects will differ a bit with the most frequent and promising being:
- Advanced sexual desire;
- Boosted libido;
- Increased sensitivity of erogenous zones;
- Removed pain during the intercourse;
- Decreased signs of frigidity and others.

What Happens When a Woman Takes Male Viagra?
Female Viagra is an innovative medication that is gaining popularity really fast. However, some women consider male Viagra to be suitable, seeing no reason in purchasing a female one. Despite this area of pharmacology has not been fully studied yet, a range of investigations showed that male Viagra cannot lead to positive results in men. Instead, it can trigger specific adverse reactions and unwanted effects.
The same way viagra for women cannot be taken by males. So, if you still wonder what happens when a man takes womens viagra , you need to consider a list of possible side effects, triggered by the medication misuse. Irrespective of numerous instances of positive effects, male and female Viagra promotes a similar, but not identical influence on the organism, which means they should be administered only in accordance with the recommendations. Contact your healthcare provider to learn about the safety of female Viagra for men and vice versa.
Proper drug intake is a guarantee of a successful treatment course with the desirable consequences, while the slightest misuse can activate a range of devastating health reactions and complications. Both male and female Viagra cannot be used by patients under 18 years old.
Questions to Lady Viagra: Does It Work?
Jolene says:
November 18, 2019 at 6:34 pm
Hello, my name is Jolene and I am 27. During sex, it is hard for me to experience pleasure because of so much discomfort brought on by inadequate lubrication. Can Lady Era help in my case?
Evelyn Green says:
November 20, 2019 at 9:36 pm
Hello and thank you for your interest. The short answer is yes, it can. Lady Era works by stimulating the mechanism behind vaginal lubrication, fostering the work of Bartholin’s glands. Bartholin’s glands secrete a mucous substance that helps maintain lubrication of the vaginal canal when a woman is sexually aroused. During intercourse, a small amount of this thick, viscous and transparent liquid can help to moisten the opening of the vagina, making sexual intercourse more comfortable.
Carley says:
January 30, 2020 at 1:49 pm
Hello! I have experienced a spinal cord trauma early last year, it was a terribly crippling experienced. I recovered most of the motoric functions of my body, but I discovered that I could not get aroused for having sex, even though I did not lose interest for it or desire to have sex with my husband. Hard to explain. First I thought it was because I was in pain caused by the injury, but it went away a while back, and I still have major difficulty keeping my arousal past a certain point of purely mental desire for sex. My question is this: can Female Viagra bring back the ability to get physically aroused after an injury? Also, can I buy Female Viagra over the counter?
Evelyn Green says:
February 4, 2020 at 8:09 pm
Hello, Carley! Traumas of the spinal cord indeed can cause a critical drop in sexual desire and the ability to respond to sexual stimulation. Answering your question, absolutely, Female Viagra can be a good call in your case. Sildenafil contained in Female Viagra will activate the blood circulation in the pelvic region, bypassing the injured tissues of the spinal cord, and restoring your body’s ability to respond to sexual stimulation.